What I do...

What I love about being a Beachbody coach!

I have been a Beachbody coach since February 2016 and have seen what Shakeology combined with consistent exersise and clean eating hab...

Family pic October 2015

Family pic October 2015
Our album cover!

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day 2014
Pics taken by my Mother in Law Dianne Johnson

All Seven Flowers!

All Seven Flowers!
Happy St. Patricks Day, 2013

My Mom's Miracle Book


12-46 Months

Tot School
The Alabaster Jar
The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection

My Award from Tracy

My Award from Tracy
I review for BookSneeze®

My Award from Angie

My Award from Angie
Tyndale Blog Network

The Fam....

The Fam....
Six of the Seven Flowers... updated photo to come at Christmas!

My Inspiration

My Inspiration
God's Everlasting Love and Mercy!

Seven Flowers

I awoke one morning with this name on my mind. I knew God wanted me to use it for the title of this blog. I believe God clothes the flowers of the field in magnifigance yet He says how much more will He clothe us His children?

I have seen His hand on our family, yet I know we are only a part of the vast family of God. I myself cannot wait for heaven to find out all that HE has done in my fellow family of believers life. The WOW book contains true accounts of his miracles and intervention. I am blessed to be one of the editors of the 2nd edition.

I will update as the book is soon to be published as well as take any stories you would like to share.

I will edit and send you an updated copy of your story for your viewing and approval. The final selections for the book will be prayerfully considered.

In His Service,

Nicole Nolley

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About Me

My photo
I am a mother to four... soon to be five beautiful kids! Writing and journaling have always been a wonderful way for me to express how I feel. Thanks to my parents who have always encouraged me. I have a passion and heart for ministry and reaching the lost and am activily pursuing accounts, miracles and stories about God and how He connects with us in our human experience. Visit my WOW book page to learn more about this.

In Honor Of Simon, Gabriel, and Kierra

Mommy Moments Blog Hop
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Monday, October 8, 2012

A good marriage!

A good marriage is one between two good forgivers!...Ruth Bell Grahm.

Wow! When I saw this quote, I paused and reflected on the profound truth of this simple statement!
I spent 15 years in my first marriage.
Trying to earn forgiveness.
Trying to seek a way to rectify my mistakes from the past.
Trying to hide from the truths I had willingly shared with someone I never thought would try to use these truths against me!

How freeing these words seem to me now!
I am free to forgive his unforgiveness!
Does that even make sense?
It does to me!
It allows a person to go on with their life.
It allows one to allow room for human error.

Yes I have battled with trust issues.
Trusting again was very hard in the beginning.
I don't think I can ever trust another human being on the level I innocently did in my first marriage.
I was young, naive, and very misguided on the whole subject of Christianity.

I have discovered there are some Christians you can trust with these truths from your past.
And then there are others that will pick up your grave clothes that you just shed...
and throw them back in your face.
Not the picture of God's Grace I pictured every Christian possessing!

Yes I am a work in progress.
God isn't finished with me yet.
Thank Goodness!


  1. just found your blog from the mommy moments link up! yay for being follower number 2! enjoyed when you said "I am a work in progress" - it's so true! and people who stop believing that stop growing!

  2. Amen! If we could just remain as teachable as we were the moment we embraced the faith, "oh the places we could go!" (to quote a favorite Dr. Seuss quote.)Thanks for following me! And yes, I agree. Number 2 is a glorious spot to attain!
