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Family pic October 2015

Family pic October 2015
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Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day 2014
Pics taken by my Mother in Law Dianne Johnson

All Seven Flowers!

All Seven Flowers!
Happy St. Patricks Day, 2013

My Mom's Miracle Book


12-46 Months

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The Fam....
Six of the Seven Flowers... updated photo to come at Christmas!

My Inspiration

My Inspiration
God's Everlasting Love and Mercy!

Seven Flowers

I awoke one morning with this name on my mind. I knew God wanted me to use it for the title of this blog. I believe God clothes the flowers of the field in magnifigance yet He says how much more will He clothe us His children?

I have seen His hand on our family, yet I know we are only a part of the vast family of God. I myself cannot wait for heaven to find out all that HE has done in my fellow family of believers life. The WOW book contains true accounts of his miracles and intervention. I am blessed to be one of the editors of the 2nd edition.

I will update as the book is soon to be published as well as take any stories you would like to share.

I will edit and send you an updated copy of your story for your viewing and approval. The final selections for the book will be prayerfully considered.

In His Service,

Nicole Nolley

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About Me

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I am a mother to four... soon to be five beautiful kids! Writing and journaling have always been a wonderful way for me to express how I feel. Thanks to my parents who have always encouraged me. I have a passion and heart for ministry and reaching the lost and am activily pursuing accounts, miracles and stories about God and how He connects with us in our human experience. Visit my WOW book page to learn more about this.

In Honor Of Simon, Gabriel, and Kierra

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Miraculous...By Kevin Belmonte


Is it about miracles?
Is it about the miraculous?

It is a wonderful book about both. The book is divided into sections..miracles of the Bible...and miracles in modern day.
This non fiction book is very informative with lots of quotes from famous historians. The purpose God has in mind when showering us with miracles comes to life and light, about the 5th chapter, midway into the book.

Instead of being content with the revelation and satisfied  to set the book down, just the opposite occurred to me. I wanted to plunge ahead into the depths to see the many correlations between the way all these miracles were apprehended, demanded if you will, by their recipients!

Just as miracles are alive and active and full of wonder and power, so  also are the believers, and their faith!
The quality of their faith is genuine gold! Simply believing in a child like manner!
When I say child like , I mean with the no fear and all wonder that children everywhere seem to possess when  exploring the world with out limits and boundaries or preconceived notions.

This loving faith like a child demands of God's goodness and faithfulness.

I can not forget to mention that this book is full of history and in depth hours of study.
I did find it a little difficult to navigate through the waters of the Reformation era, but the objectivity with which the author presented certain ideas and beliefs of these early scholars, made it much easier to keep my head afloat.
As a life long chaser of the miraculous, I found this history to be enriching to my knowledge of miracles.
Two people that I would have loved to read more about is Kathryn Kuhlman and Smith Wigglesworth, great champions of the faith. Although they did not make the list, their are plenty of others who did, such as Martin Luther and George Washington, and a few others that I had never heard of before.

Valuable and priceless are two words that come to mind when trying to describe how this book has enriched my life.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has a thirst and hunger for more of the presence of God in their life!

I know that I will continue to reflect back on the pages and all the powerful quotes for a long time to come.
One can not walk away from this book unchanged.

Linking with...

 Friday Favorite ThingsWomanhood With Purpose FridaysFellowship FridaysFaith Filled Friday,  5 Minute Friday
Spiritual Sundays , Mommy Moments , Weekend Blog Walk , The Sunday Community ,

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's guidelines.


  1. This sounds like an amazing book! May we all have childlike faith in His death, burial and resurrection as the only way to Heaven! Thanks for the great post, and be blessed!

    1. Amazing only begins to describe this book, laurie.... I was amazed at the peace He gave martyrs of the faith as they themselves faced death! It puts childbirth in perspective for sure! be blessed as well sister!

  2. Sounds like a very interesting book. No wonder Jesus said we must be like little children. We need to have their faith and wonder at the miraculous. Thank you for sharing.

    1. And that is the thing these people all shared amazing child like faith!..the very name miracle means,...."to wonder"...I mean how much time do we devote to wondering what God can do? Blessings to u 2, my friend!

  3. What a nice review! Glad you enjoyed the book. Looks like a nice gift book, also.

    1. This book would be an amazing gift...especially anyone who is in need of miracles, and who isn't these days!Thank you for the kind comment Nancy...blessings!

  4. Sounds like an interesting read, Nicole. I feel like I have much to learn about God's miraculous acts and the faith it takes to call upon His power in my life. This sounds like it could really open my eyes and heart. Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by my blog, friend!

    1. I feel the same as well! One thing I noticed too was that the greater the opposition in these peoples lives, the more they received from Him! Be encouraged in Him...and your welcome!

  5. This sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for your thoughts and the review. Hope you have a lovely week.

    BTW--I am holding 5 giveaways at my site this week if you want to pop over. Love making new bloggy pals.

    Diane :O)

  6. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment - I do appreciate it :) I hope you have fun making some wrapping paper bows...they make gifts look so cute :) Have a lovely evening!


  7. This sounds like a great book! :) Thank you for sharing and linking up at Simply Helping Him sis! Blessings!

  8. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Come to the Table Blog Link Up at Doorkeeper. And, by the way, I love the pics in your blog header. Blessings!

  9. I'm praying for some big miracles. I'll have to check this book out.

  10. Thank you for sharing this well written review over at WholeHearted Home. Sounds good. You have a lovely blog.
